How To Maintain Your Orchids

How To Maintain Your Orchids

If you received an orchid plant as a gift or ordered one for yourself through Orchid Republic, read up to learn how to give your precious blooms a long and healthy life.

How To Water Your Orchids

The watering requirement of orchids vary depending on the variety. Phalaenopsis, for instance, likes it a bit moist while pseudobulbs like the Cattleya do not.

There is no definitive answer as to how much or how frequent you should water your orchids, as each growing condition is different. Overwatering is more detrimental to orchid plants than underwatering, as constant moisture can lead to rotting of the roots, eventually killing the plant.

Here are some basic guidelines that you can follow:

  • Water your orchid plants generously, but make sure they go through the drainage holes and don’t remain stagnant.
  • Do not water with cold water, as it can be damaging to your orchid plants.
  • Do full on watering for a 4-inch orchid pot every 4 to 6 days and a 6-inch orchid pot every 7 to 10 days.
  • Water your orchids only in the morning to give the leaves ample amount of time to dry out before the evening.
  • Misting every day can help to even out ambient temperature.
  • Water your orchids only when the potting material has completely dried out. To check, lift the pot to see if it’s super light (a sign of dryness) or poke the material to feel if it’s parched or moist.
  • Water more frequently during warmer months and less when the temperature begins to drop.
  • Water more frequently if you are using fertilizer salts, as they tend to dehydrate orchid plants.

Is Your Orchid Getting Enough Light

Orchids are sun-loving creatures. However, in excess, sun exposure can be damaging for them. Like humans, orchids get sunburn too.

Some tell-tale signs include:

  • Discolored (yellowing or browning) flowers and/or foliage
  • Faded flowers and/or leaves
  • Withered flowers and/or leaves
  • Parched and brittle roots

To make sure it’s getting enough sunlight minus the damage, always shield your orchid plants from direct sun exposure.

Sheer curtains are good sunblocks for indoor orchids while still allowing for a little beneficial sunlight to come in for orchid plants near windows. Place them under shady trees or roofed areas if they're outdoors.

Keep your orchid plants away from heat sources, such as heaters, ovens, stoves, or fireplaces, too.

When Should I Repot My Orchids

Orchid Republic orchids have excellent potting. We highly recommend that you avoid repotting your orchid plants unless necessary to prevent messing up the aeration and/or the potting components.

Only repot your orchids, when the potting mix breaksdown or when the plant seems to be outgrowing the container. In that case, always use fresh potting material. Uproot the orchid plant first and add new material to the bottom part of the plant or at the bottom of the new container, not above the foliage.

Pest Or Fungal Infection In Orchid Plants

Check for spotting or scales on the leaves and flowers. If you do see a patch of spotting, cut the part out immediately to prevent it from spreading. Ask your florist for a good fungicide to thwart those pesky pests from ruining your orchid plants.

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