Do I have to pay every time there's a delivery?
No. All our flower delivery subscription packages are charged on a monthly basis.
How many times should I expect delivery?
It depends on the floral subscription and frequency you selected. We can do weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly.
How do I tell you when an orchid plant, a succulent arrangement, or a cut flower arrangement is dry, wilting, or dying?
Each package includes a scheduled weekly care and maintenance for free. Our trained staff will make sure they're all healthy and fresh until the next delivery.
Can I choose the type or color of flowers, orchids, or succulent to be used?
Of course. We want you to always be happy with each delivery. Don't hesitate to let us know about your preferences and we'll see what we can do about it.
Can I keep the vases and planters?
Sure! Due to persistent customer demand, we now have an option if you want to have our lovely vases. Just let us know so we can adjust your rates accordingly.
Can I send a flower subscription as a gift?
Definitely! Sending your special someone, friends, and family a floral subscription plan is one of the sweetest gifts ever.
Can I stop or pause my subscription for special reasons, say, when I'm going on a holiday?
Yes. Simply notify us through a phone call or email, at least two weeks, ahead of time, so we can update our database immediately.
I want to avail a flower subscription package, but I'm afraid I have a limited budget or I have different flower needs. Can you make a customized one for me?
Of course! For custom floral subscription plans, give us a call at (818) 210-0418 or shoot us an email at today.