5 Easy Summer Care Tips for Your Orchid Plants

5 Easy Summer Care Tips for Your Orchid Plants

Good times, tan lines, and all the exciting beach vibes, we, orchid lovers, just can't get enough of the summer season, can we?

Orchids are sun-loving creatures, too. However, in excess, it can be damaging for them. Here are a few red flags you should watch out for this time of year and what orchid care strategies you can do to keep your orchid plant striking all summer.

Watch out for sunburn.

Like humans, orchids get sunburn too.

Tell-tale signs that your poor phalaenopsis or cymbidium is getting exposed to too much sun include:

  • Discolored (yellowish, reddish, purplish, or brownish) flowers and/or foliage
  • Faded flowers and/or leaves
  • Withered flowers and/or leaves
  • Parched and brittle roots

Block the sun.

Protect your orchid plants from direct sun exposure. Sheer curtains are good sunblocks for indoor orchids while still allowing for a little beneficial sunlight to come in. Place them under shady trees or roofed areas if they're outdoors.

Control humidity levels indoors

This can be tricky during summer, because the air tends to be drier. While some orchids like vanda orchids thrive on as much as 80 percent humidity, most orchids don’t.  The best solution is to mist the leaves of your orchid plant every morning using a store-brought spray bottle filled with clean water to even out ambient temperature.

Be proactive about pests and fungal infections.

During dry summer months, always keep an eye at your orchid plants, because these are times when mites and other pesky insects attack, particularly phalaenopsis orchids.

If you have a few infected orchids, the American Orchid Society recommends manually wiping off the bad bugs with isopropyl alcohol and cotton on the surface of the orchid plant’s leaves. You can also ask your florist or orchid plant provider for the necessary insecticide or miticide.

Get to know your orchid better.

While most orchid care tips can be a one size fits all situation, there are some orchids that demand specific care that’s opposite to what the rest requires.

For example, when it comes to watering needs, summer or no summer, the recommendation may vary depending on the orchid variety you own. Militonia and cymbidium orchids should be kept evenly moist all the time, while phalaenopsis orchids and vanda should be kept dry between waterings.

It’s best if you do your due diligence in researching about the growing behavior and maintenance requirements of your orchid plant.

For more informative articles on how to maintain, fertilize, or grow your own orchids, check out our Orchid Care Page.


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