10 Breathtaking Types of White Flowers | Orchid Republic - Orchid Republic

10 Most Breathtaking White Flowers of All Time

10 Most Breathtaking White Flowers of All Time

Clean, crisp, and classic. It is almost impossible to ever go wrong with white flowers. An all-white floral arrangement bursts with elegance and freshness that is simply hard to resist. In a mixed flower arrangement, on the other hand, exquisite white flowers beautifully balance and complement the strong and vibrant colors of the other blooms.

White flower meanings

White flowers are generally associated with timeless beauty, effortless elegance, purity, innocence, faith, illumination, and cleanliness. Pure white floral arrangements are versatile and can be used as a chic floral centerpiece that will match any interior design trend, a tasteful gift for every occasion, and as sincere sympathy flowers for friends and family who have lost a loved one.

Check out our most favorite types of white flowers along with each of their unique flower meaning.

Phalaenopsis Orchids


Hepburn in White, $225

Phalaenopsis orchids, also known as white orchids, are stunning in every color, but there is something about a white variation of this flower that commands attention. With its large and showy blooms, it is no surprise why white phalaenopsis orchids are one of our bestsellers. When it comes to flower meaning, white phalaenopsis orchids can symbolize beauty, purity, humility, elegance, and well wishes.

Calla lily

Calla lily flowers are gorgeous both as a living plant or as a cut floral arrangement. These big trumpet-shaped blooms look exotic in every color, but white calla lily flowers are a true classic beauty.  Highly regarded during the Victorian times, white calla lilies have many profound flower meanings, including rebirth, Easter, resurrection, youth, and spirituality. It has even become a go-to flower for bridal bouquets.


The striking peony represents many wonderful things. These include love, good fortune, compassion, and a blissful marriage. Perhaps this is why peony floral arrangements are the usual gifts given to couples who are celebrating their 12th wedding anniversary. Peonies grow natively in China, and like orchid plants, they were also highly regarded and kept as prized possessions. Believe it or not, there’s a place in the vast Asia country known as the City of Peonies, Luoyang, where the National Peony Garden is located.


There is a wide variety of dahlias that makes each seem one of a kind. This means white dahlias can take many fascinating floral forms. When presented as a gift, a dahlia flower arrangement blooms with elegance and suggests a promise that should be kept forever.

Cymbidium Orchids

Glorious White Orchids, $179

Another type of white flower we are swooning over is dendrobium orchids. Some white cymbidium orchids feature a blush pink lip, which makes it extra prettier and more captivating. Cymbidium orchids are extensively popular, too, because of their unique waxy, intricately shaped two-toned blooms. White cymbidium orchids with a hint of pink can represent a woman’s fairness and femininity.


Pure and Perfect, $199

There are roughly 100 different species of roses in the Rosa genus and Rosacea family. These woody perennial shrubs come in various parts of the globe, from Asia all the way to Europe, North America, and Africa. White roses stand for honesty, innocence, pure intentions, and new beginnings.

Lily of the Valley

The lily of the valley has white bell-like blooms that may be small and delicate but are worthy of royalty. It is said to be the favorite flower of iconic Hollywood movie star, Audrey Hepburn. She has photographs marrying fellow actor Mel Ferrer holding a bouquet of lily of the valley.  But that’s not all, lily of the valley also has a reputation for being a staple for traditional bridal bouquets and in royal weddings. Princess Grace of Monaco, Princess Diana, and the Duchess of Cambridge all have this regal flower in their wedding bouquets.

The flower meaning of white lily of the valley is chastity, humility, purity, luck in love, and to be happy once again.


Throughout history and in different parts of the world, tulips have been associated with many things. These include an embodiment of a paradise here on Earth for Turks. For the Ottoman Empire, tulips stand for heaven and eternal life. White tulips, on the other hand, represents forgiveness.


More Than Words, $60

Lisianthus is also known as the prairie gentian, tulip gentian, and Texas bell among other things. White lisianthus symbolizes gratefulness, devotion, and everlasting bonds. It is also said to represent strength and steadfastness during trying times.


Ranunculus has that delicate, paper-like petals that are truly captivating and are even more attractive in white. Its flower meaning includes charm and beauty that knows no bounds. During the Victorian times, ranunculus floral arrangements represent admiration to a lady.

What's your favorite white flower? Tell us in the comments below.

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