"Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June."
As we usher in the month of June, we also say hello to brighter, sunnier, and more YOLO-filled days brought by summer. Soon enough we’ll feel the days go hotter, and tourists will once again start flocking the streets and beaches of LA before we know it.
In other news, since spring is now officially over, don't be surprised if it gets a bit harder to get your hands on specific flowers you so adored last season. (Yes, #sepanx on flowers is real.) But no worries, the month of June’s not going to disappoint with its drool-worthy summer flowers blooming beautifully like they’ve never before.
Check out our list, so you’ll know what to pick up on your next visit to your favorite florist!
Garden Roses
With one of its variant called Endless Summer, hydrangea without a doubt deserves a spot on this list. It’s usually at its peak come early spring to late autumn. Most hydrangeas are white, but others come in blue, pink, red, and purple, varying depending on the acidity or alkalinity of the soil.
Blushing Bride Protea
An aptly named popular wedding flower, the Blushing Bride Protea typically have a pinkish center with petals that are pointy and creamy white with a hint of pink or peach in color.
A very Game-of-Thrones-sounding name, eh? Akin to the pea family, these charming clusters of flowers often come in blue, pink, purple, and white. Popular varieties to take note of include Caroline, Prolific, Royal Purple, and Cooke’s Special. Above is a photo of the Kawachi Wisteria Garden Tunnels in Kitakyuhsu, Fukuoka, Japan.
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